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As proposed by the CACP Global Studies 2019 cohort, a new program - CACP Strategic Foresight - was approved by the Board of Directors for its pilot offering in January 2020.  Originally, it was a four-month, domestic only, mixed mode program operating between January 20 and April 30, 2020, and included ongoing interactive collaborative studies conducted via a dedicated online forum, framed around two residential sessions.  In response to COVID restrictions, however, this program was re-imagined and re-created in an fully virtual format.  When the Board of Directors received the final deliverables from the initial cohort, Board members were greatly impressed by the pilot outcomes, both in terms of the transformative learning achieved by the candidates, and by the significant value in their work and its lasting benefits to the policing sector. 

With this support from the Board, in Spring of 2021, the second cohort was launched beginning the online program comprised of a-synchronous learning and interactive Virtual Engagement (VE) Sessions.  The second online cohort was then launched in Autumn 2021 and is currently engaged in the learning process. 

The CACP Strategic Foresight Program aims to provide current and emerging police leadership with new ways of thinking to inform perspectives on broad societal trends and plausible future challenges for community safety and well-being, as well as opportunities for early engagement on innovative and responsive public policy.  The program also aims to include a mix of sworn and civilian members from Canadian police services, widely representative of all demographics and police functions, and with at least 10-15 years of career runway remaining ahead of them.  Ideal candidates will be at the ranks of Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, or similar sworn or civilian equivalents.  Exceptions on rank may be made at the discretion of nominating agency executives, and on approval by the CACP. All candidates for the program are subject to CACP approval.  

To assist with candidate approvals, nominees are encouraged to submit with their registration request a 1-2 paragraph bio, outlining relevant work and study experience, along with reasons for their own and their agency’s interest in the CACP Strategic Foresight program.

We are not currently accepting new registrations as the next date for the program has not yet been determined.  Once that has been set, the registration form can be downloaded here.